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    2 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, And Tips

    Aurelie Mead
    Written by Aurelie Mead
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    Congratulations! You’re 2 months pregnant, and your exciting pregnancy journey has begun. This is an incredible time of physical, emotional, and psychological development for you and your baby.

    As your body changes to accommodate the new life growing inside you, it's important to be aware of the physical and emotional changes you may be dealing with. With every new symptom you experience, you may wonder if your baby is healthy and growing as they should.

    To help put your mind at ease, let's go over a few things you can expect during month two of your pregnancy.

    Table Of Contents

    2 Months Pregnant: Your Baby

     two month pregnancy ultrasound

    Though you can’t yet feel your baby move, they’re hard at work inside your womb. They'll undergo an incredible transformation in the next few weeks and end the month as a fetus instead of an embryo.

    Developmental Milestones

    Your little one starts the month looking a bit like a tadpole. But by the end of week eight, they appear more human. To get to that point, a lot of development is happening.

    Facial features, including their eyes, ears, and mouth, are beginning to take shape. But your baby isn’t yet opening and closing their eyes. For the next several weeks, their eyelids are fused shut.

    Tiny lungs are beginning to form inside their body, and the brain is growing quickly. All of their major organs are now in place. Plus, their fingers and toes are forming, though they’re still too small to detect on an ultrasound.

    In addition, your baby’s heart is now beating regularly and strong enough for your doctor to pick up on the ultrasound. However, you won't be able to pick up the heartbeat with a fetal doppler for a few more weeks.

    Baby’s Size

    By the end of week eight, your baby is still tiny. They weigh less than one-third of an ounce and are just over one inch long from crown to rump.

    You'll notice that most pregnancy guides compare your little one to a piece of food. When you see that, know that your baby isn't exactly the same shape or size as the product in reference. However, it gives you a familiar object to help you visualize their size.

    So at the end of your second month, your baby will be about the size of a kidney bean or a plump raisin.

    2 Months Pregnant: Symptoms

    Woman experiencing 2 Months Pregnant Symptoms

    Though you may have just found out you’re pregnant, your body is already changing to prepare for the months ahead. Let's look at some common pregnancy symptoms during month two.

    Physical Changes

    As your baby grows, your uterus does as well. Though you don’t yet show a baby bump, you may feel tightness, indicating growth and swelling.

    Your Skin

    Pregnancy acne might be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Your hormones are ramping up to support your growing little one, which can cause your body to kick its oil production into overdrive.

    Women commonly experience breakouts, oily skin, and dry, itchy patches during this time. Use a gentle cleanser, like the Mustela Shampoo & Body Cleansing Bar, to support your changing skin.

    While you likely aren’t experiencing stretch marks at this point, know they might be coming. Pick up some Stretch Mark Serum to use as soon as you notice your first stretch mark. The formula in this product can help keep your skin soft and supple.

    Morning Sickness

    Many women experience morning sickness during the first trimester. Except morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer. Nausea and vomiting can happen anytime during the day or night.

    To help ease your symptoms, try using ginger tea or popsicles to settle your stomach when it's feeling queasy. You might also benefit from simple lifestyle changes, such as eating small but frequent meals throughout the day and avoiding strong smells that trigger nausea.

    Try different things to see what works for you. And if nothing works and you can't keep anything down, it's time for medical intervention.

    Your doctor may prescribe anti-nausea medications or other treatments to help you get through this challenging stage. You may even need IV fluids to help replenish lost electrolytes.


    It's no surprise that you're feeling exhausted. After all, your body is working hard to house and nourish your growing baby. But don’t worry — this is totally normal!

    Your best bet is to take it slow and listen to your body. Don’t make the mistake of pushing yourself too hard. Instead, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and take breaks throughout the day.


    Another common symptom at this stage of pregnancy is bloating. As your uterus grows, it can pressure your digestive system, which can cause excessive gas and bloating. So can your extra hormones.

    To help manage the symptoms of bloating, try:

    • Eating smaller meals
    • Chewing more slowly
    • Avoiding foods that cause gas
    • Taking a walk each day


    If you feel like your chest is on fire, it's likely due to heartburn. The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes during pregnancy and allows stomach acid to move up into your esophagus. This causes the burning sensation in your chest and upper abdomen that we call heartburn.

    Talk to your doctor about taking an over-the-counter antacid, such as Tums. This medication can help reduce the acid in your stomach and relieve symptoms.

    Emotional Changes

     Woman making a heart with hands on her stomach

    You're probably feeling a range of emotions at this stage. Everything from excitement to fear to sadness may be coming over you in waves, and that's normal. These are the mood swings that can come with pregnancy hormones.

    Talking to your partner and other trusted friends or family about your feelings is helpful. It's also important to take time for yourself and practice relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing.

    2 Months Pregnant: Doctor Visits

    You’ll likely have your first prenatal visit this month. Here’s what you can expect.

    Lots Of Paperwork

    Arrive early because you'll have loads of paperwork. You’ll be asked about:

    • The health history of you and the baby's father
    • Previous pregnancies (if any)
    • Your living situation
    • Your insurance
    • Future plans for breastfeeding and birth control

    Routine Checks

    At this appointment, your doctor will check your weight, blood pressure, and pulse. They will likely repeat these checks at every prenatal visit, as they’re good health indicators.

    Your doctor will also ask you questions about yourself and your general health. Answer honestly so your doctor can provide the best care possible.

    Take time to ask any questions you have. This can help alleviate fears you’re experiencing and help prepare you for the rest of your pregnancy.

    Prenatal Panel

    Be prepared to part with some of your blood at this first appointment. Your doctor will likely order labs for a prenatal panel. This standard blood test checks for diseases and infections that could harm you or your baby.

    Transvaginal Ultrasound

    Your doctor may order a transvaginal ultrasound to check the status of your baby. Your baby is still too small to be seen in a traditional abdominal ultrasound. So this can help pinpoint the due date and ensure your little one is growing appropriately.

    Tips For Surviving Your Second Month Of Pregnancy

    Your first trimester can be a doozy. Between morning sickness and mood swings, you may feel like you’re barely keeping your head above water. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this time.

    • Remember it’s only temporary: You’ll meet your baby soon, and it’ll all be worth it!
    • Prioritize rest: Your body is doing important work, so give it the rest it needs.
    • Drink water: Dehydration can worsen morning sickness, so drink plenty of fluids.
    • Pick healthy foods: If you can’t keep much down, aim to eat as healthy as possible. This way, each bit packs a nutritious punch.
    • Stay active: It’s not the time to start a new fitness routine, but gentle exercise is important to keep your body working properly.
    • Start a journal: Writing about what you’re feeling or thinking can be helpful for your emotional health.
    • Establish a pregnancy skincare routine: Your skin goes through a lot during pregnancy. Support it with a gentle cleanser, thick moisturizer, and our Stretch Marks Cream.

    Embracing Your Second Month Of Pregnancy

     Woman holding her 2 months pregnant ultrasound photo

    You’re 2 months pregnant and already experiencing a lot of changes, both physically and emotionally. Now is the time to prioritize self-care to get through the next seven months. So pamper your body with a Mustela Stretch Marks Set and take breaks throughout the day to rest.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! And onward to month three.

    Aurelie Mead

    Senior Ecommerce Manager at Mustela USA and mother of 3.

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