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    Postpartum Skincare Guide

    Explore Mustela's tips for taking care of your skin after childbirth, including product recommendations.

    How To Stop Breastfeeding: Tips For A Happy Mom And Baby - Mustela USA - 1
    #Breastfeeding How To Stop Breastfeeding: Tips For A Happy Mom And Baby
    All good things must come to an end, breastfeeding included. If you’re wondering just exactly how to stop breast...
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    #Activities The 65 Best Gifts That Pregnant Women Will Love In 2024
    Pregnancy is an exciting time for the mom-to-be as well as her whole tribe! If you have a special expecting mom ...
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    #Health and Well being Is Your Skincare Routine Safe For Your Pregnancy?
    You may already have a cabinet full of products you swear by to keep your skin beautiful and glowing, but once y...
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    #Maternity What Is Tandem Nursing And How Does It Work?
    You're thrilled that your second baby is due in a few months. But one thing has been weighing heavy on your hear...
    #Baby Development 3-Month Sleep Regression: What It Is And How To Deal With It
    If your baby resists falling asleep at night, wakes up more than usual once they do, and has a hard time napping...
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    #Breastfeeding Milk Bleb Or Blister: Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention
    You love the bonding that breastfeeding brings, but sometimes it can get a little uncomfortable. If you’ve been ...
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    #Maternity Shoot For The Stars With These Amazing Babymoon Tips
    If you’ve recently learned that you’re pregnant, congratulations! However, it probably feels like there are a mi...
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    #Maternity 9 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, And Tips
    At 9 months pregnant, you’re toward the end of your third trimester, nearly ready for the big event. But your li...
    8 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, And Tips - Mustela USA - 1
    #Maternity 8 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development, And Tips
    You're 8 months pregnant and probably feel very ready for the arrival of your new little one. However, if your b...
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    #Maternity How Often Should I Pump? The Complete Guide For New Moms
    “How often should I pump?” “How long should I pump each session?” “How much milk should I be pumping?” Do these ...
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    #Breastfeeding 15 Natural Ways To Treat And Prevent Sore Nipples From Breastfeeding
    Your body went through some pretty crazy changes during pregnancy, including changes in your breasts. Even thoug...
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    #Breastfeeding Breast Milk Storage Guidelines Every New Parent Should Know
    As soon as you found out you were pregnant and decided to breastfeed, you bought the best breast pump, got a gre...
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    #Maternity Linea Nigra: What Is It And Will It Go Away?
    Pregnancy is usually associated with an expanding belly, backaches, and morning sickness. But your body goes thr...
    8 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding - Mustela USA - 1
    #Breastfeeding 8 Healthy Ways To Lose Weight While Breastfeeding
    Many new moms mistakenly believe that breastfeeding helps with weight loss after giving birth. However, while br...
    Mom correctly breastfeeding newborn to prevent cracked nipples - Mustela USA - 1
    #Maternity How To Prevent And Take Care Of Cracked Nipples
    Everyone knows that childbirth is no walk in the park. But you might not have expected to have challenges with b...
    The 13 Best Ways To Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy - Mustela USA - 1
    #Maternity The 13 Best Ways To Tighten Loose Skin After Pregnancy
    So you just had your baby and you’re anxious to get your pre-pregnancy body back. But when you look in the mirro...
    Pregnancy Rash (Puppp or Pep): The Complete Expecting Mother's Guide - Mustela USA - 1
    #Maternity Pregnancy Rash (Puppp or Pep): The Complete Expecting Mother's Guide
    Pregnancy brings all sorts of new (but expected) changes to your body — like a rapidly growing belly, backaches,...
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    #Breastfeeding How To Care For Your Nipples After Breastfeeding
    Nursing your baby can be a special experience for both of you. It’s important to remember to care for yourself a...
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    #Baby Development Does Breastfeeding Make You Tired? | Plus, 6 Tips For Coping
    Being a new mom is a joyful, exhausting rollercoaster of an adventure! And if you’re nursing your new little one...
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    #Baby Development Rooming-In: What It Means, Benefits, And Tips
    With your baby’s due date quickly approaching, you’re busy preparing for the arrival of your precious little one...
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    #Maternity Clogged Milk Duct: Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention
    Breastfeeding can be such a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. Breast pumping, leaking, and a...
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    #Maternity Second Pregnancy: 11 Ways It’s Different From Your First
    Your little one is going to have a sibling! As your family expands, you might want to expand your expectations t...
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    #Baby & Child Skin Avocado Oil For Moms And Babies: 10 Benefits And How To Use It
    Avocados are amazing. They’re not only delicious and nutritious, but they also make for an incredible skin care ...
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    #Maternity How And When To Have A Baby Shower: An Etiquette Guide
    Welcoming a new baby into the world and into your family is a joyous occasion! And oftentimes, it’s celebrated w...