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    Oatmeal Bath For Babies: How To, Benefits, And Tips

    Aurelie Mead
    Written by Aurelie Mead
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    Bathtime can be one of the sweetest experiences for you and your baby. But did you know that an oatmeal bath for babies takes it one step further in soothing your little one’s skin if they are experiencing dryness or other skin woes?

    In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of an oatmeal bath for babies, how to give one, and when it can be helpful for keeping your little one’s skin soft.

    Table Of Contents

    What Is An Oatmeal Bath?

    oatmeal bath for babies

    Oatmeal baths are one of the most popular, easy remedies for treating skin discomfort for your baby — and you!

    They are a simple, inexpensive way to help treat and prevent skin problems that are common in babies. For example, oatmeal helps treat specific baby skin rashes, like eczema, diaper rashes, and even baby acne.

    Oatmeal has been used for centuries as a home remedy to reduce inflammation and heal damaged skin. For this reason, when your baby’s skin is irritated, red, or itchy, an oatmeal bath may help soothe and calm it down.

    A special kind of oatmeal used for skin and bathing is called colloidal oatmeal. Colloidal oatmeal is finely ground into a soft powder designed to dissolve in fluids, unlike your regular breakfast cereal.

    Colloidal oatmeal is an added ingredient in many skincare products, like Mustela Stelatopia Intense Eczema Relief and Eczema Bathtime Set. And adding oatmeal to your baby’s bath can help protect their delicate skin barrier.

    The Benefits Of Giving Your Baby An Oatmeal Bath

    Studies that show oatmeal baths and products can help soothe specific skin problems. For example, a medical study from 2014 found that skin lotions and creams with added oatmeal did a better job keeping skin moisturized than skincare products without oatmeal.

    According to the researchers, colloidal oatmeal helps with eczema symptoms in two ways:

    1. It helps repair the skin barrier so skin can heal and keep moisture locked in while preventing it from drying out too quickly.
    2. It contains anti-inflammatory and soothing qualities that decrease skin redness, itching, irritation, and tenderness.

    An oatmeal bath for babies may also help with these skin conditions:

    Some Concerns About Oatmeal Baths

    oatmeal bath for babies

    Like anything else, even natural products can cause a reaction in your baby. So, always check with your doctor before giving your baby an oatmeal bath.

    Oats do not contain gluten, but colloidal oats are grown near wheat and other grains. The traces of gluten may cause an allergic reaction in your little one if they have a gluten or wheat allergy.

    Some babies are allergic to the oats themselves. Keep an eye out for these symptoms that could indicate an allergic reaction in your child:

    • Difficulty breathing
    • Vomiting
    • Hives
    • Face, mouth, or throat swelling
    • Eye irritation
    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Sneezing
    • Skin rash or redness

    Some colloidal oatmeal products designed for babies may already be pure and without added perfumes and dyes, but always double-check the ingredients before using any new ointments, bath treatments, or creams.

    Also, keep in mind that an oatmeal bath for babies, though effective, isn’t a magic potion for curing all skin woes. It is still important to diagnose the cause of the skin ailment and treat it appropriately.

    Make sure to combine the oatmeal bath with other support systems, such as our Stelatopia Emollient Cream, to maintain daily moisture for skin discomfort.

    Now that we’ve covered possible concerns about oatmeal baths for babies, let’s talk about how to give your little one a soothing, healing oatmeal bath.

    Preparing An Oatmeal Bath For Babies

    Making an oatmeal bath is easy, but again, you need to be sure you have the correct type of oatmeal. Buying 100% pure colloidal oatmeal is your best bet!

    Thankfully, colloidal oatmeal is available in handy single-use packets or a big bottle. Whichever option you choose, make sure it is the one that avoids additives, perfumes, or other ingredients.

    Now that you have the correct colloidal oatmeal, you can gather your other supplies. Keep in mind that The World Health Organization (WHO) warns against leaving your baby alone in the bath, so make sure to have your supplies by your side before putting your little one in the tub.

    How To Give Your Baby An Oatmeal Bath

    baby taking an oatmeal bath

    1) Fill The Bathtub

    When bathing your little one, always be mindful of the temperature of the water. A baby or child's skin is more susceptible to burns than your adult skin.

    First, turn on the cold water, then the warm water. Add just enough water to cover your baby's body. The water should be no deeper than waist-high for toddlers.

    You can check the temperature of the water with the inside of your wrist or elbow. If you have a thermometer, you want the water to be between 90 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    2) Add The Oats

    As the bath water runs, sprinkle in half a cup of colloidal oats for an infant or one cup for a child. Add a little at a time and stir it around with your hand. The water will turn cloudy as the oats dissolve.

    3) Let Your Baby Soak

    Let your baby soak in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes while you rinse them from head to toe with water. The oats will make your baby more slippery than usual, so always keep one hand on your little one while bathing them.

    4) Pat Your Baby Dry

    Try not to rinse your baby off immediately after giving them an oatmeal bath. This way, the oatmeal can form a protective barrier and seal in moisture.

    When bathtime is over, carefully lift your little one out of the tub and gently pat their skin dry with a towel. Rubbing or scrubbing can damage the delicate layers of their skin.

    5) Apply Moisturizer

    Apply a hypoallergenic moisturizing cream to your little one’s skin a few minutes after taking them out of the bath to seal in the extra moisture.

    Try Stelatopia Intense Eczema Relief with added oatmeal to keep skin moisturized. This natural yet effective multi-action emollient helps relieve discomfort, itching, and irritation caused by eczema rashes and flare-ups while soothing and restoring skin’s moisture barrier.

    6) Dress Your Baby In Skin-Soothing Pajamas

    After your baby is all clean and you’ve sealed in moisture with a lotion or cream, dress them in our Stelatopia Skin Soothing Pajamas.

    Designed for babies and toddlers with eczema-prone skin, our pajamas supplement the protective moisture barrier formed from the oatmeal bath.

    If You Don’t Have Colloidal Oatmeal At Home

    While it is said not to use breakfast oatmeal for oatmeal baths, plain, steel-cut, or quick oats can be an option if you finely grind them into a uniform powder.

    To test if your homemade colloidal oatmeal is suitable for your baby’s bath, just drop a spoonful into a glass of warm water and swirl. If it collects at the bottom of the glass, you’ll know that you didn’t grind it fine enough, but if it mixes well and makes the water cloudy, you’re all set. Viola!

    Ensuring The Healthiest Skin For Your Baby

    oatmeal bath for babies

    An oatmeal bath for babies can relieve the irritation and itch that come with a variety of baby skin conditions and provide some relief for your little one. As a result, it can also help you both get a better night's sleep.

    Follow the steps above to successfully give your baby an oatmeal bath, and then remember to apply our Stelatopia Intense Eczema Relief with colloidal oatmeal when your little one’s eczema flares up.

    With regular oatmeal baths and a little TLC, you can keep your baby’s skin nourished and soft all year long!

    Aurelie Mead

    Senior Ecommerce Manager at Mustela USA and mother of 3.

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