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    Daily Hygiene: Essential Washing Habits

    4503dcfb8bf2ae5a57a301478ac173f1_90978d84-67f9-4f82-856c-ecdd9cfc1625 - Mustela USA - 1

    Before starting:

    Get in the habit of always washing your hands and only using products specially designed for your baby’s delicate skin.

    Mom washing her baby


    Wet a cotton ball or sterile gauze pad with saline solution and gently wipe the baby’s eyelids and the corner of their eyes. Use another cotton ball to wash the other eye.


    Create a small tube by rolling a piece of cotton between your fingers and only clean the outside part of the ear to avoid the formation of wax plugs. Avoid using Q-tips®, which can irritate and even damage a baby’s ears.


    Do the same thing as for the ears; moisten the small cotton tube with saline solution, then gently insert it in one nostril. Use another cotton ball to wash the other nostril.


    Wash the baby’s face as often as necessary during the day and don’t forget to wash behind the ears, where dirt tends to accumulate. You can use a no-rinse cleanser or moisten a cotton ball with lotion, then rinse with water.


    To brush your baby’s hair, use a soft brush specially designed for babies.


    Wait at least a month before cutting your baby’s nails for the first time. Until then, they’re still too fragile and brittle. After a month, regularly cut them short with a pair of scissors with rounded tips. Choose a time when the baby is calm, hold his hand or foot firmly and talk to him gently so that he remains calm during the procedure. Be careful not to cut the nails too short to avoid infections around the tips!


    Carefully clean your baby’s bottom each time you change his diaper, especially in the skin folds where wetness can lead to irritation. You can use special baby wipes, a no-rinse cleanser or a cleansing lotion. Gently dry your baby’s skin before putting on his diaper.

    Umbilical cord:

    After birth, you need to take care of your baby’s umbilical cord until it falls off by itself in one week to 10 days. To avoid any risk of infection, disinfect it every day with a sterile gauze pad moistened with an antiseptic. Then carefully dry it with a clean pad.


    Always keep baby wipes with you to clean your baby’s hands when you’re going for a walk, when having a snack or in the car.

    You can also spray a few drops of special baby “eau de soin” (hair and body wash) on your baby’s clothes and hair for a delicate fragrance, This will stimulate his sense of smell.

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