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    • #A Parents Guide
    • #Parenthood

    20 Unique Nursery Ideas That Are Perfect For Girls & Boys

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    Looking for nursery ideas for your newborn baby’s nursery? Want something as unique and special as that little bundle of joy that will soon enter your life? The experts at Mustela are here to help. We’ve put together 20 unique nursery ideas that are just right for both girls and boys.

    1) Pick An Animal

    What’s your favorite cute and cuddly animal? Foxes, koalas, pandas, elephants? Make that adorable critter the inspiration for your nursery décor.

    If you adore pandas, for example, go with a black, white, and gray color scheme. Exchange throw pillows and cushions for soft stuffed pandas. Accent the nursery walls with framed drawings or pictures of pandas.

    Let your imagination run wild with designs from the animal kingdom.

    Unique Nursery Ideas

    2) Decorate With Decals

    When you decorate with wall decals, you can satisfy your urge to craft while still creating a delightful nursery at the same time. Here are a few reasons to consider using decals in your little one’s nursery:

    • They’re inexpensive.
    • They’re easy to change.
    • They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns.

    All you need is a dash of creativity and a blank wall (or even just a small corner) to make your baby’s nursery beautiful and unique.

    3) Choose The Right Paint

    nursery paint colors

    Forget about the standard pink for girls and blue for boys. Liven things up instead with a splash of vibrant yellow or an accent of calming green. Neither of those strike your fancy? There are 1,865 other colors in the Pantone Matching System. One of them is bound to be just right for your little one.

    4) Think “Gray Is Good”

    gray nursery inspiration

    Looking for a color that’s gender neutral without having to resort to black or white? Try gray! What goes with gray? Nearly anything, so don’t worry too much about it. Just a pop of color can liven up a gray-themed room.

    You can even mix different shades of gray or add some gray patterns for a look that’s comfy, cozy, and neutral...but certainly not bland.

    5) Know That Geometry Isn’t Just For School

    Geometry isn’t just for school anymore. You can use those same lines, angles, and multi-sided shapes to bring a dash of whimsy to your baby’s nursery.

    Picture a zig-zag border around the top of the room. Mix up the paint scheme by alternating different colored squares like a checkerboard. There are so many different shapes to choose from that we’re sure you’ll find something to tickle your inspiration. Don’t forget the pile of blocks!

    6) Embrace Bold Colors

    colorful nursery ideas

    Bold is the new beautiful when it comes to your baby’s nursery. Bright and vivid colors stimulate, inspire, and brighten your little one’s mood. A candy-apple red nursery would really make a statement.

    7) Go For Glam

    Ruffles and gingerbread scroll are just right for any baby’s nursery. Decorate with ornate frames, accent with silver-gilded mirrors, or hang a small chandelier from the ceiling for a touch of elegance that simply can’t be beat.

    8) Warm Up With Wood & Browns

    There are few things as enjoyable as spending the night in a log cabin. The smell of the wood, the flickering firelight...it’s the stuff that dreams are made of.

    You can replicate that same rustic feeling by decorating your baby’s nursery with wood and warm browns. Skip the real stone fireplace and opt for a spiffy decal instead.

    9) Give Your Baby The Stars

    nursery ideas for boys

    Let your nursery design ideas revolve around the stars and planets. The blues, whites, blacks, and grays of a space-themed nursery keep things grounded and neutral. Add yellows, oranges, and reds here and there for a dash of stimulation and to break up the colder tones.

    Still not inspired? Go all out with fiber-optic twinkle lights on the ceiling and a planets-of-the-solar-system mobile above your baby’s crib.

    10) Go All-Out With A Theme

    nursery theme ideas

    Pick a theme, any theme, and use it as the focal point of your baby’s nursery. Not sure what theme to choose? Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

    • Garden party.
    • Tuscan summer.
    • Winter wonderland.
    • Jungle adventure.
    • Mountain view.
    • A trip to the seashore.
    • Formal tea party.

    11) Get Crafty

    Don’t assume your baby’s nursery has to break the bank. Fan the flame of DIY, and craft what your baby’s nursery needs to look its best. Not a DIY-diva yet? That’s okay. Start small with a scrapbook or a paper mobile. Know your way around the lumber yard or craft store? Try your hand at a toy chest or a knit blanket.

    12) Mix & Match

    There’s no rule anywhere that says that everything in your baby’s room has to match (trust us, we looked). Instead of obsessing over whether the rocking chair goes with the wainscoting, mix and max each piece of furniture for a truly eclectic look.

    Love that hand-carved sleigh cradle? Go for it. Can’t get enough of that wrought-iron changing table? No problem. Each piece speaks for itself. Don’t be afraid to decorate your baby’s nursery with pieces you feel strongly about...even if they don’t match.

    13) Revive Spartan Practicality

    practical nursery ideas

    If all the elaborate nursery ideas have you a bit overwhelmed, don’t sweat it. Spartan practicality is good too. A crib, a nursing chair, and a changing table are really all you and your baby need. Add a toy chest when your baby’s old enough, and the decorations are complete.

    14) Start A Photo Wall

    nursery photos

    Want to chronicle your baby’s life in a unique way? Pick one wall of the nursery and begin hanging pictures of your little one the moment they arrive home. Add a picture every few months at first, and then add your favorite from each year thereafter.

    Move up the wall as your baby continues to grow. To keep curious baby hands from loving your decorations too much, hang the lowest pictures four feet off the floor.

    15) Don’t Forget The Ceiling

    Decorating the ceiling can be a fun way to spice up your baby’s space without spending a lot of money. Why not try painting clouds and a sky up there? Or hanging swaths of colorful fabric from wall to wall?

    For the first few years, your baby is going to spend a lot of time looking at that ceiling. Make it an interesting view.

    16) Add An Accent Wall

    If one color is good, two colors must be great, right? That’s the idea behind the accent wall. Painting one wall orange while the other three walls are tan, for instance, breaks up the monotony of the single color and gives your eye something interesting to look at.

    An accent wall is a simple way to bring a little life to your baby’s nursery without spending big bucks.

    17) Reserve The Lower Third Of The Room For Baby




    Nurseries aren’t just for babies anymore. Mommies and daddies use them too. Sure, you want to decorate the space with your own special style, but don’t forget the primary occupant.



    When you’re thinking of nursery ideas and planning out the décor, reserve the lower third of the room for your baby. This is the space for your baby’s toys, cute decals that your little one can look at when they crawl, or even a completely different paint or theme than the rest of the room.

    The lower three or four feet of the nursery is your baby’s realm. Decorate it accordingly.

    18) Don’t Skimp On Storage

    If there’s one universal truth, it’s that babies need a lot of things—from bathtime essentials to nourishing lotions and diaper rash creams. Usually, the baby shower satisfies most of those needs, but you’ll still accumulate diapers, skincare products, onesies, books, toys, and stuffed animals even after the little one arrives home.

    For this reason, it’s essential not to skimp on storage when decorating your baby’s nursery. Use the closet (if you have one) as much as possible, but don’t be afraid to include lockable chests and tubs to store vital items. The more storage the better, we always say.

    19) Plan Ahead With Chalkboard Paint

    nursery inspiration

    Chalkboard paint is an easy way to give your baby an outlet for their creativity...once they learn to hold a crayon, that is. Just make sure your little one knows to keep the drawing and coloring on the designated wall.

    20) Make Your Crib The Centerpiece

    The most important piece of furniture in your baby’s nursery is the crib. If you’re not sure where to begin decorating, start with the crib as your centerpiece and work out from there. Is the crib you like white or brown? Is it fancy or spartan? Let those details influence what you do with the rest of the room.

    The key to coming up with nursery ideas and decorating your baby’s nursery just right is to lead with your imagination. A really smart guy once said that imagination is more important than knowledge. You don’t need a degree in interior design to create a truly unique, beautiful space that your baby can call home.

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